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Secure your business emails with Protect

Protection against threats

Updated databases of malicious urls from our customers' waves to identify known malicious links in emails
A deep learning model that analyses over 100 characteristics, URL, structure, context and content when the link in the email is clicked.

Anti-phishing security layers

Security filters to combat attacks

Securing your passwords

Protect your digital world easily and manage all your passwords from a secure, simple and intuitive platform


Benefit from unlimited technical and functional support from our teams based in France

Secure your sent emails with Protect Out, an anti-viral scan is performed on all your mailings

Protect yourself against email attacks (phishing, spear-phishing, ransomware) with our security layers

All Rights Reserved. Mailinblack ® 2024

Protection against dangerous emails

Malware: viruses, spyware, ransomware, cryptolocker, etc.
Attempted spoofing: phishing, president fraud, etc.

Commercial advertising
Newsletters and automatic emails

Protection against unproductive emails

Anti-spam filters

Fundamental security layers: Reverse DNS, RBL, Sender Domain Validation, Recipient Existence or "strict filtering".
An AI-based deep learning model for more accurate classification of newsletter and automated emails and a reduction in false negatives.

Personalised in the colours of your organisation's values, it invites the sender to prove that they are a natural person by copying a captcha in order to be able to communicate with you.

The Human Lock Security System,
a patented Mailinblack technology, guarantees you the highest level of security on the market!

Authentication request

Mailinblack anti-virus scans all incoming and outgoing emails, attachments and compressed files for potential malware.
Based on an antivirus engine
that blocks malicious macros and detects unauthorised and dangerous extensions

Anti-virus solution