Let's meet up !

Protect your organization in 3 steps :

Simulate cyberattacks in a secure environment

" Aujourd'hui, beaucoup trop de personnes pensent qu'un email ne représente aucun danger. Ce n'est malheureusement plus vrai du tout ! [...] Avec Cyber Coach, les collaborateurs sont vraiment sensibilisés au problème. Ils sont maintenant plus vigilants face à ce type de pratiques. c'est constructif parce qu'ils se sentent concernés  par le problème désormais. "

M. DOLATA, Directeur informatique chez Quality Assistance S.A.

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French leader in email protection

Fill out the form with your information

One of our french cybersecurity experts will call you back to discuss about your expectations

We will talk about a personalized offer according to your cybersecurity needs to allow you to to protect yourself as well as possible.




Clean and secured e-mail address

Protect, leader in email protection in France for 20 years, delete your dangerous emails and cleans up your mail boxe

  • Malware : virus, spyware, ransomware, cryptolocker, etc. 
  • Spoofing attempts : phishing, spearphishing
  • Commercial advertisements 
  • Newsletters and automatic emails

Cyber Coach educates and trains your employees on email attacks

  • Audit of human vulnerabilities
  • Automated Cyber Attack Simulations
  • Adapted training content
  • Managing user progress

Mailinblack, your bodyguard against cyberattacks

We design and develop simple and effective solutions to protect you from cyber threats. Our product Protect secure your professional emails and Cyber Coach educates and trains your employees to adopt the best practices against cyberattacks.

Ask for a live demo