How to recognize a phishing attack?
Based on identity theft, phishing is a cyberattack aimed at obtaining private and confidential data. A phishing campaign involves simulating a phishing attack, i.e. sending an e-mail pretending to be a well-known entity such as a bank or telephone company.
Hackers try to trick users into revealing information such as passwords, bank details, credit card codes and social security numbers. Every year, thousands of pieces of data are disclosed. In 2022, phishing was still the most widespread attack, accounting for 73% of all recorded cyberattacks.
Why implement a phishing simulation solution?

Training methods based on long, spaced-out formats that are not personalized to the audience are not effective. Neuroscience studies have shown that a pedagogical approach based on experiential learning enables cognitive, theoretical and practical knowledge to be integrated more effectively, and encourages the emergence of intuition.
Simulations of phishing attacks, as well as ransomware and cyber-attack simulations, help to rapidly increase the level of cyber maturity of your teams. A simulation that is repeated regularly and adapted to employees’ profiles and practices will be way more effective. Simulation results should also be analyzed to assess their impact and adapt phishing awareness scenarios.
The main reason why phishing is so widespread is that it is difficult to identify. Phishing scams are becoming increasingly credible as they become more realistic and sophisticated. However, with phishing simulations and practice, it’s possible to unmask hackers. Here are a few tips:
- Check spelling
- Analyze the sender’s e-mail address
- Pay attention to the logo
- Evaluate the coherence of the request
- Search about and hover links before clicking
Raise your teams' awareness of phishing attacks
your level of human risk
your employees to recognize fraudulent e-mails and help them to improve.
your employees’ awareness of cyber risks
Increase your teams' level of vigilance
Employees, CIOs and CEOs, anyone can be affected by a phishing attack. IT security awareness is becoming crucial. To ensure that your teams can identify fraudulent phishing emails without suffering the consequences, phishing simulation tools are essential.
These simulations of phishing attacks, known as phishing tests, enable you to improve your level of protection and include your employees in your cyber projects. They become aware of the risks and of their crucial role in the face of an attack. Repeating the operation will also enable them to better identify threats, so they can better deal with them.

Why opt for a phishing simulator?
Why is it important to test your employees' awareness of phishing attacks?
Testing your employees’ awareness of phishing attacks is important for reducing the risk of cyberattacks. Indeed, your employees can be the first line of defense against phishing attacks, but their lack of awareness can expose the company to significant risks. Regularly testing their awareness through phishing simulations helps to better train them and ensure the company’s security.
How can you design an effective phishing simulation for your company?
Designing an effective phishing simulation requires the creation of convincing e-mails and the implementation of realistic scenarios. That’s why Cyber Coach offers you 100% customized templates, and an automated program. It’s also important to educate employees about the signs of a phishing e-mail, and what to do in the event of a successful attack.
What results can you achieve with a phishing simulation?
An effective phishing simulation can be used to assess employees’ awareness of phishing attacks and identify corporate weaknesses. The results can be used to improve corporate training and security policies. And you can even train your staff in cybersecurity with Cyber Academy, our cybersecurity training platform, the extension of Cyber Coach.
How can you make employees aware of the risks of phishing?
Raising employee awareness about the risks of phishing is crucial to strengthening corporate security. Training courses and phishing simulations are effective ways to learn how to identify phishing attack attempts and adopt good security practices.
What advice do you have to avoid falling into the phishing trap?
To avoid falling into the phishing trap, we advise you not to click on suspicious links or attachments, to check the sender’s e-mail address and never to divulge confidential information by e-mail. In case of doubt, don’t hesitate to contact the supposed sender rather than clicking directly on the message received.