25% of emails are received outside working hours
The right to disconnect is a principle whereby an employee is entitled not to be connected to his or her professional digital tools outside working hours. It aims to protect employees’ mental health and personal life by enabling them to disconnect from work. In France, the right to disconnect is enshrined in law and mainly concerns electronic communications.
The right to disconnect is a must-have for any company offering telecommuting to its employees, as the boundary between private and personal life can be even thinner in this case. To avoid any lack of rest for your employees, opt for our right to disconnect solution and be a company that respects the well-being of its workforce!
How can you disconnect with peace of mind?

Via an automatic e-mail, senders will receive a message telling them that the e-mail was sent outside the recipient’s working hours, and that the recipient will read the e-mail during his or her working hours. An opportunity to convey positive values to your ecosystem and show your partners or customers that your company respects its employees’ rest.
Integrated free of charge into Protect, our mail protection and anti-spam solution, you can activate this feature for all or for only some of your employees. Choose your time slots, customize the logo and text that will appear in the automatic email and that’s it, the tool is configured and you’re in compliance with legal obligations!
Protect your employees' mental health and improve their digital well-being
Improves quality of life at work
The right to disconnect allows employees to disconnect from work in their free time, improving their well-being and reducing the risk of burnout.
Complies with legal regulations
Implementing a right to disconnect solution means complying with French legislation and avoiding the sanctions that could result from it.
Optimizes productivity
By allowing your employees to disconnect from their work, you help them recharge their batteries and improve their long-term productivity. A must, especially when working remotely!
Promotes a positive brand image
By offering a right to disconnect tool, you show your ecosystem that your company cares about the mental health of your employees.
Why opt for a right to disconnect solution?
What is the right to disconnect and why is it important?
The right to disconnect allows employees to disconnect from work outside regular working hours without professional pressure. This promotes a better work-life balance, improves productivity and employee satisfaction, while creating a healthier working environment. Employers therefore have an increased responsibility towards the health and well-being of their workers.
What are the current laws and regulations concerning the right to disconnect?
In France, the El Khomri law of 2016 introduced the right to disconnect to protect workers from stress linked to communication technologies. Companies with more than 50 employees must negotiate with employee representatives to establish arrangements for implementing the right to disconnect. The CNIL has also published recommendations to help companies comply with these regulations.
How can employers implement effective right to disconnect policies for their employees?
Employers can involve employee representatives in negotiating collective agreements. They can also provide training, such as cybersecurity training and tools to help employees manage their working hours and prevent burn-out. Companies should encourage a healthy work culture that values work-life balance. Finally, companies can also include the right to disconnect in employment contracts, encourage clear and precise communication practices to avoid excessive professional solicitations outside working hours, particularly by e-mail, and can rely on the use of Protect from Mailinblack.
How can employees assert their disconnection rights if they feel their employer is not respecting them?
If employees feel that their employer is not respecting their right to disconnect, they can talk to their employer and try to resolve the problem amicably. If that doesn’t work, they can report the problem to their employee representative or to the labor inspectorate. Employees can also refer to the labor code, collective agreements, charters or internal company policies to assert their right to disconnect. Finally, in the event of a dispute, they can take legal action to assert their rights.
What are the legal consequences for employers who fail to respect their employees' right to disconnect?
Employers who fail to respect their employees’ right to disconnect can be prosecuted for non-compliance with legal and regulatory obligations to protect workers’ health and safety. The risks incurred may include financial penalties, fines or criminal convictions. They may also be exposed to legal action by their employees for damages linked to burnout or stress caused by non-compliance with the right to disconnect…