Ransomware, encryption or data leak, GDPR, security breach, spam, Cloud, etc.

Do all of these terms sound familiar to you and sometimes even worry you? Not to worry, there are reflexes and simple practices that everyone can use to significantly reduce the risk of a cyberattack. Here are all of our recommendations to improve your digital security 😉

1. The few basic rules

  • Never let a third party who you don’t trust have access to your data
  • Lock your PC when you’re not using it
  • Avoid remote connections on foreign workstations
  • Don’t visit unsafe sites (If you have a doubt., here’s a simple check: the URL must start with https://www …)
  • Do the updates; they generally carry patches that are essential to the durability of your hardware

2. The inevitable debate around the password

France is the second country most affected by the theft of personal data with, in most cases, password theft. All professionals will tell you that a reliable password must:

  • Have 12 characters, including at least 3 special characters
  • Not include any personal data such as date of birth, surname, first name, etc.
  • Be unique
  • Be updated frequently

Do you find that restrictive? Know that there are many free or paid password managers today who can store your passwords in memory.

 3. The importance of awareness

Don’t hesitate to train yourself or your users on the best digital practices. More simply, you can explain to them not to open attachments from unknown recipients but also to never reply by email to a request for personal or confidential information.

The example of the email that seems to come from the boss and that asks for a payment is a classic case of hacking. So always pay attention to the sender before answering this kind of message. Your boss won’t blame you if you are careful with the company’s money 😉

4. Evidence that you should become

Don’t be reactive, be proactive! You don’t buy home insurance after your house catches fire, do you? So likewise, consider investing in solutions that will help you limit attacks in your network.

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Ensuring the quality of your backups is perhaps one of the most important steps. Backups are essential because if there is a problem, you can use them to restore your data. And be aware that the inbox is one of the favourite gateways for viruses. Don’t skimp on a good filtering solution!

To go further, don’t hesitate to consult the detailed guide of the ANSSI (Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information/National Agency for the Security of Information Systems).

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