If I say cyberattacks, what comes to mind? Viruses, problems, data loss … Right away, it’s panic.

Although the amount of spam is decreasing slightly, viruses are growing in volume and often discreetly. Ransomware is the main threat at present, and yes there have been 300% more attacks since the beginning of 2016 compared to other years. Enough to leave companies and their employees more than puzzled. Cybercriminals have understood the stakes and seized the opportunities available to them. T-his is a very lucrative business for them, so much so that Lucien Constantin, IDG News Service for the French site Monde Informatique speaks of “war between hackers” or “ransomware as a service with profitsharing”.

Who is concerned by cyberattacks?

Everyone is vulnerable, and I insist, everyone. To avoid any surprises, don’t neglect the consequences of such attacks: data loss and disclosure, decreased productivity and financial losses, without forgetting the fear that grows in the business. In a company, employees unfortunately have a very different level of information concerning computer threats. Moreover, it is this lack of information that creates fear among employees and sometimes even pushes them to make a mistake.

To enlighten you a little more on this subject, there are two types of users. Those who are aware of the threats and panic: panic-stricken, they barely dare open an attachment for fear that it is virus-infected and will make them the person responsible for the loss of company data. And those who are anxious that others are not vigilant enough (e.g. those who have never heard the word “virus”, etc.). With so much anxiety, it is hard to work under good conditions. To avoid this scenario, it’s simple: give your employees information and reassure them!

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Mailinblack’s expert advice:

  • Stay informed of attacks
  • Back up your data
  • Don’t pay the ransom (and yes, more than 40% do)
  • Equip yourself with an effective anti-spam
  • Equip yourself with an effective antivirus
  • Have a solution to filter incoming attachments
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